Detroit is Different

How your Detroit business can get access to vendors giving at minimum $500,000 buys is through Buy Detroit … Keyra Cokely’s vision

Detroit is Different episode 228

2 years ago

If you have a business ready for national and international distribution, Buy Detroit is the event you need. Keyra Cokely of the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation had a vision of making the procurement and buy process between large-scale businesses and small Detroit businesses easy. The bonding, insurance, financials, and work are given a process Keyra has made plain for you. She opens up about how her grandfather’s view of plain business inspired this vision. Learn how Keyra’s understanding of fund development and process was groomed from real-life experience and wisdom. Her young age is anchored to the experience of reading everything she has seen working with the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation for years. Buy Detroit is a program that fits the niche for miscommunications and misunderstandings between businesses and industry. Learn how the event in July is only a start to changing the footprint of many Detroit small businesses.

Detroit is Different is a podcast hosted by Khary Frazier covering people adding to the culture of an American Classic city. Visit to hear, see and experience more of what makes Detroit different.

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