Detroit is Different

S6E38 -10,000 Acres of land and What to Do? Tepfirah Rushdan and Khary Frazier discuss

Detroit is Different 368

7 months ago

Detroit, once home to nearly 2 million residents due to a bustling industrial age, became a focal point for the deindustrialization of America. As the city's industrial base declined, Black leadership emerged, with figures like Coleman Young, Erma Henderson, Bill Becham, Fannie Peck, and George Crockett striving to manage a city under-resourced and neglected by both the American nation and the state of Michigan. This shift in leadership marked the beginning of an exodus of residents and raised a critical question, "What to do with Detroit's vacant land?" Tepfirah and I explore this question in this discussion. We discuss the Solar Farm initiative, supported by the executive administration, with Tepfirah speaking as the leader of the Office of Sustainability. Our conversation delves into topics such as forests, urban agriculture, and much more, offering a rich dialogue intended to provoke critical thought and analysis.

Detroit is Different is a podcast hosted by Khary Frazier covering people adding to the culture of an American Classic city. Visit to hear, see and experience more of what makes Detroit different.

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