Detroit is Different

S5E1 -The Laughs, Cries, Creativity, Motivation and Storytelling of Satori Shakoor

Detroit is Different episode 306

1 year ago

Confessions of a Menopausal Femme Fatal is the one-woman show experience by Satori Shakoor happening July 21 – 23 at Detroit Public Theatre. Satori comes back to Detroit is Different to open up about her show and much more. We discuss the Secret Society of Twisted Storytellers and the role story telling plays in society, civilization, and life.

Satori Shakoor, founder of The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers® holds nothing back in her solo, standup storytelling concert. Satori's riveting performance reflects on 12 years of her journey through the change of life. Wrought with twists and turns, Satori discovers early on that change comes at a very high price. She must confront and overcome a dark secret from her past. As Satori confesses her crime and owns it, she finds freedom and the grace to be fully ALIVE. Confessions of a Menopausal Femme Fatale is a mood-swinging, hot flash of emotion, told through music, song and in Satori’s unique style. In a jaw dropping, taboo-busting, drop the mic performance, her story will leave audiences giddy with laughter, moved to tears, breathless and cheering in triumph.

Two million women enter menopause every year. It's shocking that no one is talking to them, with the exception of drug companies, who focus mainly on alleviating the physical symptoms. Confessions of a Menopausal Femme Fatale speaks to a hunger women over 45 have to hear stories that more fully represent their experiences. Confessions will encourage women to break the silence, end the shame and inspire conversations that are uplifting, informative, thought-provoking and supportive. Come out. Share stories. Celebrate this rite of passage called menopause, “the change of life!"

Detroit is Different is a podcast hosted by Khary Frazier covering people adding to the culture of an American Classic city. Visit to hear, see and experience more of what makes Detroit different.

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