S5E4 -Artistry has given the talent of Dmareae a platform
Detroit is Different episode 309
Basketball was the only outlet at a young age Dmareae placed his love and focus. As the journey on the hardwood took a pivot for him, hip-hop took his heart and is now what he loves. His love for hip-hop has opened up the world of artistry for him to fall in love with photography and video. The cost of paying for his music videos dove Dmareae into a research task that carries through till today. Learning the basics of photography and the functionality of the equipment through YouTube, Online Courses, one on one lessons has prepared his eye for the lens. We discuss music and more in this Detroit is Different feature with Dmareae.
Detroit is Different is a podcast hosted by Khary Frazier covering people adding to the culture of an American Classic city. Visit www.detroitisdifferent.com to hear, see and experience more of what makes Detroit different.
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