S5E22 -KUA, gifted in divinity connected through Shrine of the Black Madonna for Dr. Shelley McIntosh
Detroit is Different episode 327
Learn about KUA and much more from Dr. Shelley McIntosh, an educator who has dedicated decades to shaping young Black minds in empowerment and community. From her roots as a preacher's kid on Detroit's Eastside to her education at Southeastern HS and Wayne State University, Dr. McIntosh shares her journey and how it led her to find purpose within the Shrine of the Black Madonna. As one of the founding members of the Houston TX Church, she delves into her commitment to the church's mission as a space for the development of both people and community. In this interview, Dr. McIntosh shares the values instilled in her by the vision and leadership of Pastor Jaramogi Abebe Agyeman (Albert Cleage).
Detroit is Different is a podcast hosted by Khary Frazier covering people adding to the culture of an American Classic city. Visit www.detroitisdifferent.com to hear, see and experience more of what makes Detroit different.
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